Tuesday July 19 - Lawrence Library Lawn
11am - 3:30pm Vendor Set-up / Registration Opens
4pm - 8:30pm Men’s Woodland v Southern Straight Preliminary
Women’s Fancy Shawl v Men’s Fancy Preliminary
Women’s Northern v Southern Traditional Preliminary
Men’s Northern Traditional v Prairie Chicken Preliminary
*all categories are separate until finals*
8:30pm - Closing / Vendor Tear Down
Wednesday July 20 - Lied Center of Kansas
12:00pm - Lied Center Doors Open
1:00pm-4:30pm Men’s Woodland v Southern Straight Semi-finals
Women’s Fancy Shawl v Men’s Fancy Semi-finals
Women’s Northern v Southern Traditional Semi-finals
Men’s Northern Traditional v Prairie Chicken Semi-finals
4:30pm - 6:00pm Break
6:00pm - 8:00pm Men’s Woodland & Southern Straight Finals
Men’s Northern Traditional v Prairie Chicken Finals
Women’s Fancy Shawl vs. Men’s Fancy Finals
Women’s Northern v Southern Traditional Finals
6-Man Singer’s Tournament Rules:
All Drums must have SIX (6) singers per group
Drum groups are randomly paired against another group in their division for a “Best of 3” song series.
Once the round-robin is complete, drum groups will be seeded in a bracket based on overall head-to-head record.
Top 4 drum groups in each division will move on to Wednesday semifinals.
Tournament is split into TWO singing divisions, Northern and Southern, with ONE overall winner.
Entry Fee is $100 PER DRUM, equating to $16.66 per singer.
Tournament format may differ from each division due to the number of registered drum groups.
No Drum Hopping!
Registration closes at 3:30PM CST on Tuesday July 19 - NO EXCEPTIONS!
Dance Competition Rules:
There are EIGHT (8) dance categories combined into FOUR (4) dance special contests.
All preliminary contests will be held outside at the Lawrence Library Lawn, weather permitting.
All dance categories are separate until Thursday finals at the Lied Center of Kansas.
Dancers will be randomly placed in flights of 3-5 contestants, pending numbers in each category.
Each flight will have one winner, who will move on to Wednesday semifinals.
Entry Fee is $40 ONLINE and $50 ON-SITE.
Dance competitors cannot be in multiple contests, unless they paid for multiple entries.
Registration closes at 3:30PM CST on Tuesday July 19- NO EXCEPTIONS!